You can’t make a western anime without some amazing, slightly over-the-top, and probably expensive animation. Avatar: The Last Airbender hits that sweet spot combining humor, great characters, a dash of romance, adorable cross-bred animals, and of course, well researched and choreographed fight scenes.

What’s great is that each fight has a narrative, usually equal in both advancing the plot and developing the characters. But the show itself is so good that it’s allowed to have some cool, more nonsensical fights that just show us how badass the characters are. Here are the 15 best fights in Avatar: The Last Airbender, ranked.

Updated October 4th, 202o by Ian Goodwillie:Avatar continues to be a series that fascinates fans, even years after the series came to an end. The incredible battles have been a huge part of maintaining that mystique. As such, it doesn’t hurt to take a look at even more of the best fights in the series.

Avatar Roku Vs Fire Lord Sozin - “The Avatar And The Fire Lord”

The biggest hurdle Aang faced in his Avatar training was the lack of a teacher. But that’s what happens when you spend a century in suspended animation, frozen in ice. Aang, Philip J. Fry, and Captain America should really start some kind of hyper-specialized support group for people who spent life-changing amounts of time in unplanned stasis.

Fortunately, Aang figured out how to get guidance from former Avatars including Roku. Aang learned how Roku and Sozin were great friends, but that all faded away once Roku became the Avatar and Sozin became a greedy Fire Lord. Their battle was only a taste of the devastation that was coming thanks to the Fire Nation.

Team Aang Vs The Swamp Monster - “The Swamp”

When the crew ended up separated in a massive swamp they could not find their way out of, each of them had some crazy visions. Katara and Sokka both saw people they have known but Aang saw someone he hadn’t even met yet, proving the powerful and mystical nature of the swamp. What wasn’t a vision or a hallucination was the giant swamp monster that attacked them.

It turned out to be the member of a unique swamp based tribe of waterbenders named Huu. He had achieved enlightenment in the swamp and wanted to protect it from interlopers. His swamp monster form made things difficult for Team Avatar, requiring them to think outside of their normal routine to survive.

Jet Vs Zuko - “City Walls And Secrets”

Seeking a peaceful life for him and his nephew, Iroh took Zuko to the great walled city of Ba Sing Se and set up his dream tea house. The last time he was there, Iroh tried and failed to sack it on behalf of the Fire Nation. This time, his intention was to start a new life away from the Fire Nation and firebending in general. Unfortunately, Jet didn’t see things that way.

Also now in Ba Sing Se, the self-styled revolutionary knew the truth and repeatedly tried to out Zuko and Iroh. His final attempt included an impressive sword fight that was intended to force Zuko to use his firebending abilities. Instead, Jet was detained by the Ba Sing Se authorities, which eventually led to his death.

Katara Vs Pakku - “The Waterbending Master”

One of the reasons Katara chose to help Aang on his quest was so that she could study waterbending. She was the last waterbender in her tribe, and had no one to instruct her. Upon arriving at the home of the Northern Water Tribe, Katara and Aang sought out the guidance of Pakku, the greatest waterbending teacher around.

As it turned out, Pakku was kind of jerk. He and Katara ended up in a massive waterbending fight. She might have lost the match but she proved to Pakku she was worthy of teaching. Being the granddaughter of the woman Sakku loved didn’t hurt the situation, either.

Aang Vs Bumi - “The King Of Omashu”

Early in the series, Aang took Katara and Sokka to the city of Omashu. He had a friend their a century earlier who he used to spend a lot of time playing with. Aang showed them the epic mail system, which isn’t a phrase that gets written or said very often. Then, they ran afoul of the current king.

After putting Aang through a series of strange tests, the king fought Aang, revealing several things about himself. First, he was ripped. Second, he was an expert earthbender. Third, he was actually Aang’s old friend Bumi, all grown up. Bumi took Aang to school in a fight that showed what earthbenders are truly capable of.

Zuko Vs Commander Zhao - “The Southern Air Temple”

Serving as our introduction to the Agni Kai and a glimpse into Fire Nation culture, Zuko vs Commander Zhao really did have us rooting for Zuko. Very early on, Zuko is established as a complex, troubled character. His obsession with capturing the Avatar stems from familial issues, causing him to always feel either second best or outright inferior. Before we even know about the scar or Azula, the series makes it clear that Zhao is the bigger tool here and Zuko should show him who’s boss.

There’s nothing flashy about the fight, which is the entire point. Zuko only starts to win when Iroh shouts at him to remember the basics of firebending. Once he goes back to his roots, simplistic but effective, does he win. It’s incredible foreshadowing as well if you feel like thinking about it too hard.

Zuko vs Katara - “The Siege of the North, Part 1”

As the first fight we get after Katara’s official training, holy cow, it’s stunning. Katara has such mastery over her bending now and despite the difficulties she had earlier in the season, with the right teacher, her bending matches and may even exceed Aang’s waterbending skills. She spares no expense in showing off her new move set, subduing Zuko for the first time in a fight.

However, she is ultimately defeated when night turns to day. It serves to show us that Katara still has a ways to go and how the fire and water elements interact with each other.

Sokka vs Master Piandao - “Sokka’s Master”

Being the only nonbender on an allstar bending team is disheartening. Though this episode feels like it should’ve happened sometime in Season 2 all things considered, it still doesn’t feel out of place in Season 3. And we get some Sokka love because honestly, he is one of the best (if not THE best) comic relief character ever created. Why? Because he’s funny and he is clearly useful.

Feeling down on himself, Sokka seeks out a master for swordsmanship. In addition to the boomerang, he kinda wants his own thing. He finds Piandao and through his honesty and humility, gains his teacher. Of course, he becomes too honest and admits he’s from the Southern Water Tribe. The following duel really highlighted Sokka’s ingenuity as well as gained skill.

Iroh vs. The Dai Li - “The Crossroads of Destiny”

Iroh breathes fire from his mouth after drinking tea. Enough said. Just kidding, but that’s a big part of this. We finally see why Iroh’s nickname is the Dragon of the West and why he is the antithesis of great power and great responsibility. He believes so much in hope and peace, surrendering to the Dai Li once he knows the Avatar is in good hands.

Though he never stops fighting until the end, he has patience and wisdom gained from his years in the military and general life experience. If anything, this made us love Iroh even more.

Toph vs The Earth Rumble Six Fighters - “The Blind Bandit”

There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing a bunch of conceited men get their butts kicked by a twelve year-old girl. Well, aside from Appa blepping. Toph quickly makes her mark on the show, despite fear of shaking up the team’s dynamics in a negative way. She becomes a welcome addition to the team and proves herself as an earthbending master.

How she does so blows everyone’s expectations out of the water. Toph single handedly shows us why she’s the reigning Earth Rumble champion while proving to us and her parents that she isn’t a fragile, helpless child because of her blindness.

Team Avatar vs Team Azula - “Return to Omashu”

The first fight with Azula doesn’t disappoint. She only has a cameo at the end of Season 1, but the Season 2 episodes leading up to revisiting Omashu build her up as an incredible opposing force. Recruiting her childhood friends (Tai Lee and Mai) to her team, Azula’s first fight with Aang’s crew takes them all over the city and introduces new fighting techniques.

Though Aang and Bumi escape, Bumi explains the importance of neutral jing, waiting and listening for the right opportunity.

Katara vs. Hama - “The Puppetmaster”

Fun fact: this was indeed the Avatar version of a Halloween episode! And wow, it’s super creepy and nightmare-inducing. Katara believes she’s found a kindred spirit in Hama since both are the last waterbenders from the Southern Water Tribe.

However, things aren’t quite as they seem as Hama’s been a lowkey serial kidnapper (not killer, phew) by using bloodbending during the full moon. She and Katara have a huge waterbender versus waterbender battle, with Katara ultimately using the technique to save Aang. It’s a haunting episode and there are moments you will never forget.

Aang vs Firelord Ozai - “Sozin’s Comet”

It’s the showdown we were all waiting for, therefore, it’s the last of the top three. That’s not to say it isn’t stunning, surprising, and everything we wanted and more. As for expectations, this fight had the most pressure on it to be the best, one of the last visuals we’d ever see from the series. So the hype worked against it as well as the lack of shock value.

But watching Aang wield all four elements? Ozai flying through the air and crashing through stone pillars? Lightning? The return of the Avatar State? And Aang keeping to his morals and indeed finding a peaceful solution despite literally everyone telling him the only solution was to kill Lord Melonhead? There’s a lot to love.

Aang as the Moon Spirit - “Siege of the North Part 2”

Marking the first time that we really get to see the full extent of the Avatar State, Aang becoming the Moon Spirit for a hot second was so satisfying. This is also the only time Aang ever goes on a rampage as a giant fish monster.

Showing off Aang’s power with some beautiful scenery as the Moon Spirit passes over all who bow to it, the sequence was not only surprising, but so well done that we didn’t question it until “The Ember Island Players” aired.

Zuko vs Azula - “Sozin’s Comet”

You knew it was coming. The music coupled with the onscreen visuals can only be described with a chef’s kiss. Zuko finally comes into his own, going on a journey of self-discovery and becoming a better version of himself. This is the one time when Zuko’s firebending is on par with Azula’s, the first time the siblings are ever on an even playing field. If Azula didn’t pull a dirty move, Zuko most likely would have won. But Katara’s clever and more than picks up the slack.

Let’s be real though, the main thing from the finale that stuck in our minds was the images of blue fire and orange fire colliding all over the royal city.