Unlike most other RPGs, Legend of Legacy doesn’t follow a linear storyline. Instead, Legacy gives the player a choice between seven protagonists and allowing them to freely explore the world, which has conveniently just woken up from a not-so-eternal slumber. Each character offers a new perspective, and only by playing through them all can you experience the full story.


In the open-world format, you and two party members can basically do whatever you want. Explore, hunt for treasure, fight. True to the RPG genre, Legend of Legacy uses a turn-based combat system that will apparently be adjusted for the English release in response to criticism over the sluggish gameplay. Additionally, instead of locking you into certain classes, you’re allowed to create your own battle formations with characters taking on a variety of combat roles. With these additions, every playthrough is unique.

You’ll be able to purchase the Legend of Legacy through a retailer or eShop near you this fall or pre-order now for $39.99.

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