We are sure the Lumia 900 launch will be great for AT&T, but the carrier might be setting expectations a little high:

Sure, Microsoft and AT&T will be throwing a lot of cash at this launch, and pricing their “Hero” device at $100 with plan certainly is aggressive, but does anyone really this launch will overshadow the 1 million-unit weekend of the iPhone 4S launch that AT&T itself said:

If you are looking for advantages in the Lumia 900 over the iPhone, it has a bigger display and LTE—but so does just about every Android phone released in the past six months. On the down side, it has an AMOLED 480-by-800-pixel screen that was popular when the HTC EVO came out two years ago.

CNET added:

  • Best Buy selling almost as many iPhones as Apple… with four times as many stores (9to5mac.com)

The campaign is expected to last about six to eight weeks, according to people familiar with the situation.