AT&T’s CEO stated the obvious yesterday – that there is going to be a 3G iPhone “sometime next year”.  No kidding!? Everyone has known about this for months.  Steve Jobs has even stated this on numerous occasions – he even stated this during the UK iPhone release party!  It is a known, known – as Donald Rumsfeld would say.  Still though.  It is all over the news: AT&T chief lets slip plan for faster iPhone AT&T CEO outs 3G iPhone: “You’ll have it next year” (dugg?!?!) AT&T chief confirms 3G iPhone on the way Apple to Unveil Faster IPhone, AT&T’s Stephenson Says AT&T CEO: Expect A 3G iPhone In 2008 We know it was a slow newsday but its hard to believe the people reporting this didn’t know it wasn’t really news.  It would have perhaps been news if he said the 1st quarter or even 1st half of next year would see the 3G iPhone.  Or if he gave some other specs like improved memory. Some notes: AT&T’s CEO is an idiot for announcing anything – it will just keep more people holding off from buying the iPhone – it is basically just a reminder to wait for the 3G version. Apple will likely release the 3G version surprisingly early as more and more people will hold off because they are waiting for the 3G version as time goes on.  We expect May-ish at this point. Are we nuts?