Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed was a breakout success and one of the most admired releases of 2007— a year that offered some stiff competition in the form of games like Bungie’s Halo 3 and Infinity Ward’s Modern Warfare.

As a shockingly historic take on the open-world sandbox genre that the publisher would years later come to dominate, the game was followed up in 2009 with the predictably titled Assassin’s Creed II. As the first of the now-beloved Ezio trilogy, the series would skyrocket in popularity and peak years later with the release of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag in 2013.

Since then, it seems that greed and repetition have eaten away at the franchise, and recent releases have been met with hearty amounts of skepticism and pessimism.

With new installments releasing annually (and even more frequently when the series’ spin-off titles are included), public opinion dropped so significantly that Ubisoft opted to forego a 2016 release in an effort to substantiate later titles.

Since that point, we’ve been treated to the relatively well-received Assassin’s Creed: Origins, and we’ll be getting our hands on a new AC game set in ancient Greece sometime in the near future.

With a total of ten main-series releases, the Assassin’s Creed games have covered tons of different historical locations and eras. Even so, the series is far from finished, and fans have been clamoring to provide feedback concerning appropriate backdrops for future titles.

However, though there are a bunch of places we would love to see, there are also some settings we think should be ignored.

Here are the 10 Cities Assassin’s Creed Needs To Visit Next (And 10 That Should Be Avoided).

Need to See: Pompeii circa 79 A.D.

Pompeii is the site of the famous eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, so it would be amazing to see a mainline Assassin’s Creed title set against a backdrop of impending volcanic doom.

The mechanizations of the Templar and Assassin groups would be made doubly interesting given the oncoming local apocalypse.

It would add a sense of tension and intrigue to a series that has long since become stale.

Whispers of the upcoming ninth console generation are abound, and a great way to usher that in might be a well-rendered volcanic explosion. The city itself, given its age, might not compare to other, more developed settings, but it could still be an interesting location.

Need to Avoid: Paris, France circa 1944

The Second World War has been a favorite request of the Assassin’s Creed community for just about a decade, but we have a few reservations concerning this particular period.

It wasn’t so long ago that games featuring the European Theater were numerous and tired, and, though games like Electronic Arts’ The Saboteur proved that stealth and subterfuge could be done well in this setting, occupied France still feels a bit played out at this point.

Plus, given the relatively lukewarm reception of Call of Duty’s 2017 return to the front, major publishers probably won’t be all that eager to return to the setting.

Need to See: Chicago, Illinois in the 1920s

Chicago is the heart of illicit, anti-prohibition movements during America’s so-called great experiment, so it would be great to see how the Assassins and Templars exacted their wills upon a corrupt and dangerous city.

Though it doesn’t necessarily convey the same sense of historical purpose, Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate proved that these titles don’t have to constantly focus on ancient history.

We may not exactly be taking out kings and noblemen, but we’d love to have a drink with Al Capone in an AC game.

Need to Avoid: Madrid, Spain in the 1920s

Though it may initially seem like a great idea, Spain spent much of the decade recovering from the effects of the Great War and the global epidemic that was the Spanish Flu.

Much like a theoretical AC title set during the height of the Black Plague, it would be difficult to craft a compelling game in the Assassin’s Creed universe in which the most threatening opponent isn’t an entity that can silently be taken out with a hidden blade.

What’s more, the First World War wouldn’t have been a terribly interesting conflict for the Assassins.

There are plenty of other locations which could make for a more interesting game.

Need to See: Tombstone, Arizona circa 1890

Tombstone, Arizona may initially seem like the least likely place in which to stage a game in the Assassin’s Creed franchise, but it holds much more promise than it may be obvious from a quick glance.

Tombstone was an epicenter of the American frontier, and a blend between Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed and Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption would be amazing.

Sure, the architecture and general desert desolation wouldn’t really make for the most compelling of locals, but the concept of a cowboy assassin combo just seems way too cool to pass up.

It could also be neat to see the Assassin’s influence on American manifest destiny.

Need to Avoid: San Francisco circa 1967

This idea may come across as totally absurd, but some fans have seriously suggested that an upcoming title in the AC series deal with the American so-called Summer of Love and hippie movement, the epicenter of which was San Francisco in the 1960s.

Some may like it, but this sounds like an awful idea. The Assassins are well known for getting things done via cloak-and-dagger methods, and that just wouldn’t fit the theme of the era.

Plus, it just doesn’t seem like a prospective assassin might be a huge fan of The Beatles— just saying.

On second thought, it might be neat to sneak around a place like Alcatraz Island.

Need to See: Washington, D.C. circa 1865

Though the country had recently been reunited following the end of the Civil War, there was plenty of civil strife to go around, and it would have been a setting ripe for Assassin and Templar influence.

We don’t wish to insinuate that John Wilkes Booth’s successful attempt on the President’s life may have been the culmination of an underground scheme orchestrated by one of these groups.

However, we might be interesting in shelling out an additional fiver to get our hands on the Night at Ford’s Theater DLC.

Plus, the area would have been home to countless political figureheads ripe for the taking.

Need to Avoid: Jamestown, Virginia in the 1620s

Jamestown was one of the first major settlements to be established in North America by English colonists, but that doesn’t mean that it would make for a particularly compelling backdrop to an Assassin’s Creed game.

It may be true that the Templars and Assassins had much to do with the shaping of the early American political landscape, but Jamestown was about as awful and boring as it comes.

Since it’s nothing more than a fort comprised of rudimentary wooden structures and sheltering a populace which could hardly survive the winter months, nobody wants to visit this particular piece of early American history.

Need to See: Angkor Wat in the 1200s

Not so much a city as an ancient Cambodian temple, the stone structures of Angkor Wat are thought to comprise what is now considered to be one of the oldest temples in existence.

It’s only 500 acres in total, but this location was actually one of the most populous areas in the world prior to the industrial revolution.

Beyond that, there are tons of stone monuments and towers scattered throughout the complex, and the centermost tower is an impressive 213 feet tall.

We want nothing more than to scale that structure and swan dive into a bale of water below, and so, we think, should just about every AC fan.

Need to Avoid: Gettysburg, Pennsylvania circa 1863

It’s the site of the famous Battle of Gettysburg and AC fans have expressed interest in a game set during the American Civil War for some time.

However, there are a few problems with that idea, and a game set during this time period would most likely need to be spread among a host of different American locations.

Though it sounds like a neat idea, the broad, open fields and small towns found in the area in which the battle was fought wouldn’t make for a very good game in the franchise, and the slow, grueling pace at which the war was fought just wouldn’t make for a fun experience.

Need to See: Rome, Italy circa 44 B.C.

Et tu, Brute? Rome, Italy has come up in Assassin’s Creed games in the past, but we’ve never seen a game set quite so far in the past in this setting.

It would principally be of interest because of the March fifteenth assassination of Roman ruler Julius Caesar, a man so well regarded that they later named a salad dressing after him.

Yes, this was largely a part of Assassin’s Creed: Origins, but you wouldn’t have known that had you only looked at the game’s primarily Egypt-themed marketing.

We really want to know the full ins-and-outs of this plot, and not just keep it as a smaller portion of a larger game.

Need to Avoid: Babylon, Mesopotamia circa 1500 B.C.

As one of the earliest examples of organized human civilization, ancient Babylon may seem like a great place in which to stage an Assassin’s Creed title.

However, the fact is that this city is just much, much too old to really host a game of this nature, and though all of the ancient political and religious intrigue may make for a compelling plot, there simply wouldn’t be enough to do in Mesopotamia circa 1500 B.C.

What’s more, we’ve already gotten a taste of the alleged origins of the Assassins and Templar in last years Assassin’s Creed: Origins, so a game set even further back might be a bit redundant.

Need to See: Moscow, Russia circa 1918

We’ve already sort of seen this location and era explored in 2015’s Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: Russia, but the game wasn’t all that well received.

Fans would likely love to see the Russian Civil War play out on a much grander stage.

The communist takeover must have been done at the behest of some shadow AC-related organization, and this is the sort of globally significant conflict we’d all like to see in a mainline release.

If Ubisoft can successfully stage a game during nebulous, crusade-era dates, then they could definitely work wonders with a more modern time frame.

Need to Avoid: Florence, Italy circa 1348

As the site of one of the most catastrophically devastated locations in epidemiological history, it is estimated that Florence, Italy may have lost as many as 65,000 citizens to the Black Plague, which would have been over half of the city’s population at the time.

Again, this seems like it may make for an interesting setting, and it could have been that the plague was introduced to Europe thanks to a Templar plot, but it’s difficult to assassinate anyone if everyone has been eradicated by the plague.

Plus, there wasn’t a whole lot going on politically at the time, so there isn’t really a reason to stage a game in this era.

Need to See: Tikal, Guatemala circa 250 A.D.

As one of the most prominent of the ancient Mayan cities, Tikal, Guatemala would make for an excellent setting in the Assassin’s Creed universe.

With terrific monuments and exciting political and religious undertones, this civilization could seriously make for a great new take on the franchise.

Plus, Tikal was estimated to have had a population of over 100,000 at the time, which would have made it extraordinarily populous.

The only difficulty would come from a necessity to relate this Central American location to the goings-on in Europe, where a majority of the Assassin’s work would have been taking place.

Need to Avoid: Edo, Japan in the 1200s

Now known as the city of Tokyo, Edo— or any other feudal Japanese setting— is one of the most highly requested locations for the Assassin’s Creed games to explore.

Though it should make for a great gaming experience, some Ubisoft devs have insinuated that, in reality, a title set in ancient Japan would be very unexciting.

“People on the internet suggest such boring things,” ex-Ubisoft creator Alex Hutchinson said. “That’s a theme that’s been well-mined in video games.”

Fortunately for fans of the concept, Hutchinson stepped down as Creative Director last year, so new staff may be able to implement a fresh, new take on the apparently overdone setting.

Need to See: Baghdad, Iraq circa 1250 A.D.

Though the Middle Eastern city isn’t particularly well known for many positive things these days, Baghdad, Iraq was actually an epicenter for scientific discovery some 800 years ago.

The populace was famous for inciting a golden age of philosophical, scientific, and astronomical progress.

There can be very little argument that some shadowy AC clans must have been behind some of this, and it would make for an altogether great entrant into this already long running franchise.

If Ubisoft has already proven that their series can succeed in the desert environments of ancient Egypt, then there is no reason for skipping out on this setting.

Need to Avoid: Verdun, France circa 1916

As previously stated, World War One just doesn’t seem like a terribly great backdrop for a game in the Assassin’s Creed franchise.

Sure, EA’s Battlefield 1 may have proven that the historically stagnant, difficult conflict could work as a video game, but Dice took some very, very noticeable artistic liberties in terms of weaponry and machinery.

Though there would be tons of military targets to stalk and eliminate, the Great War wasn’t really known for subterfuge or clandestine tactics.

We can’t envision someone like Ezio sitting around in a trench, and sneaking behind enemy lines doesn’t really seem like a possibility, either.

Need to See: Xingyang, China circa 220 B.C.

Xingyan, China would have been the center of the Qin Dynasty during this time, and Feudal China would make for a totally unique and captivating Assassin’s Creed experience.

Again, this setting is one in which fans have expressed interest time and again, yet Ubisoft now seems more interested in ancient Greece.

However, given that these newer AC titles seem to be headed further and further back in time, it could very well be that the series eventually lands itself in an Asian setting around this time.

Plus, if The Legend of Zelda can crossover with the Dynasty Warriors games, why not Assassin’s Creed— that would be something.

Need to Avoid: Caracas, Venezuela circa 1813

Some fans have put forward the idea that the escapades of South American revolutionary Simon Bolivar would make for an interesting Assassin’s Creed adventure.

It’s true that he did liberate much of the area from Spanish control and he’s thought of as the George Washington of Ecuador, it’s just not a well-known setting.

Perhaps, should Bolivar himself be the main character, we may have something worth playing on our hands.

Outside of that possibility, however, most players just won’t know anything about this historical event.

The same could potentially be said about the crusades, which the games have already covered, but European history tends to be much more widely known.

Are there any other cities that Assassin’s Creed should visit? Are there any that it should avoid? Sound off in the comments!