LWWH is an atmospheric game where you play as a young girl that is locked out of her house. It’s unique in that the game incorporates local weather data, so the environment you experience is simulated based on your location.

About Julian Glander and LWWH’s creation

Glander had his start in the media business by creating T-shirt designs and moved on to create GIFs for major companies. Since, Glander has bounced around so many different media, it’s sometimes hard to keep up. When asked about how he’s able to master so many different forms, his answer is pretty straight forward:

However, when asked about the hardest part about creating the game, it still came down to the technicalities anyway.

GS: Tell us about the easiest and strangest part of making LWWH.

Julian is working with a programmer, but brings his unique flair to the art, music, and humorous dialogue.

GS: What brought you into the indie game scene?

GS: Do you have a favorite medium?

Lovely Weather We’re Having is the game Glander wanted as a child, and it’s designed to bring you happiness

There are still mysteries surrounding the game, even though most commenters talk about the strange and fascinating art style.

GS: So, can the main character ever get back inside?

A sequel, eh?

GS: What inspired LWWH?

GS: Did you write the dialogue?

GS: Tell us about the music of LWWH.

Julian Glander is a multimedia connoisseur, and in addition to working on LWWH, he runs a weekly comic strip titled Please Look At Me on Vice. The humor and art style appear similar to the game, but Glander has confirmed that they are separate entities and the comic has actually helped him in the game’s creative process.

In a previous interview, Glander talked about how LWWH’s neighborhood is based on where he lived as a kid in Georgia. He believes weather affects you personally, so this idea is reflected in the game. Players can explore and experience the NPCs differently like in real life, and moods change based on the time of day.

GS: Last question—You used to play a lot of Neopets. What was your favorite thing to do and/or who was your favorite Neopet?

Lovely Weather We’re Having is set to release sometime in Fall 2015, and can be found on its Official Website, Twitter, Itchi.io, and Steam Greenlight.