The first teaser trailer for Disney’s adaptation of Artemis Fowl is here, and it’s packed with familiar characters - both fairy and human - from Eoin Colfer’s acclaimed series of children’s novels. Directed by Kenneth Branagh (Thor), the film stars newcomer Ferdia Shaw as the eponymous Artemis, a child genius who launches a search for his missing father, only to discover that his dad is actually a criminal - and his dealings have landed him in hot water.

With the help of his loyal bodyguard, Butler (Nonso Anozie), Artemis endeavors to get his father back - and this brings him into contact with a world of fairies, elves, and dwarfs, who live in a secret underground world, hidden away from the prying eyes of humans. Chief among the magical characters is Captain Holly Short (Lara McDonnell), a member of the fairy law enforcement team LEPRecon (Lower Elements Police Reconnaissance), whose own missions lead to a clash with Artemis. In the books, Artemis himself is a full-blown criminal mastermind, but in the movie he’s simply a genius kid who is willing to do nefarious things in order to achieve his goals.

The first teaser trailer for Artemis Fowl offers a tantalizing glimpse of the worlds both above and below, and offer a first look at characters like Holly, Commander Root (Judi Dench), and Foaly (Nikesh Patel). Let’s break it down!

  • This Page: Holly, Root, Foaly, and Haven City Page 2: Artemis, Butler, and Fowl Manor

Meet Captain Holly Short

This being a teaser trailer, we only see Holly Short in silhouette - seemingly in her apartment in Haven City (the underground world where the fairies live). In the books, Holly is a young elf who is determined to prove herself in LEPRecon and isn’t afraid to buck authority when she feels like it’s holding her back - much to Commander Root’s chagrin. McDonnell is a young newcomer with appropriately elfin features, whose previous credits include a small role in Love, Rosie.

Welcome to Haven City

As the trailer’s voiceover explains, magical creatures have long since been driven underground in order to survive the greed and warmongering ways of humans. Their world is also known as the Lower Elements, and Holly lives in Haven City - a bustling underground metropolis. As you can probably tell from the flying craft that introduces Haven City, the fairy folk have highly advanced technology that works in conjunction with their magic - making them a force to be reckoned with.

Judi Dench Is Commander Root

Artemis Fowl has a few significant changes from the book, and one of the most noticeable is the fact that Commander Julius Root has been gender-swapped, and is played by Judi Dench. In the books, Root is the curmudgeonly leader of LEPRecon, who is often exasperated by his subordinates’ insubordination. Intriguingly, our only look at Root in the trailer shows her seemingly under attack by members of LEPRecon, and fending off a whole group of them with an explosion.

Foaly Is Ready For His Close-Up

LEPRecon wouldn’t be nearly so powerful without their technology, and no one understands that technology better than the division’s tech expert, a centaur called Foaly. He may have to put up with a lot of horse jokes, but Foaly can dish out the snark as well. The trailer includes a very close-up shot of Foaly, so unfortunately we don’t get to see him in his full glory.

The Elderly Fairy of Ho Chi Minh City

In a scene more or less lifted straight from the book, Artemis and Butler head to Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam, where they encounter an elderly alcoholic sprite who is posing as a human healer. In the trailer’s most exciting and impressive moment, the old woman transforms into a beautiful young women (played by Hong Chau) with pointed ears - and based on Artemis and Butler’s reactions, this is their first real exposure to the world of fairies.

Page 2: Artemis, Butler, and Fowl Manor

Artemis and Butler’s World Gets Bigger

In the books, Artemis is remarkably unflappable for a 12 year-old boy - but in this trailer we see even Butler look stunned at the reveal of a whole new world. After the Ho Chi Minh City sprite transforms, the teaser trailer cuts to a reaction shot of Artemis and Butler looking utterly stunned. This is also our best look at Butler, who is black with white hair and striking blue eyes in the movie - a departure from his described appearance in the books.

A Fowl Place To Live

Whoever said that crime doesn’t pay? The teaser trailer for Artemis Fowl offers a good look at the boy genius’ home, Fowl Manor, which appears to be in a remote location and surrounded by woodland. That’s just as well, because based on the rest of the teaser, it looks like there’s going to be some action going down at Fowl Manor that would definitely attract the attention of any neighbours.

Artemis Tries Out Some Fairy Weaponry

Wearing his distinctive shades that readers will recognize from the covers of the Artemis Fowl books, Artemis can be seen in this shot using some kind of fairy gun to fend off attackers - perhaps even the fairies themselves. As mentioned before, Artemis is no ordinary child, and while his most powerful weapon is his brain (he generally depends on Butler for brawn), it looks like he’ll be personally throwing himself into the fray in the movie.

Butler The Archer

As mentioned above, Butler is a highly effective bodyguard whose sheer strength frequently proves to be indispensable. Butler’s weapon of choice is his beloved Sig Sauer, but in the trailer we see him trying out some fairy weaponry of his own - some kind of magical bow and arrow. It looks like Fowl Manor is under siege in this scene, and Artemis and Butler are working together to defend it.

A Villain Is Born

As mentioned previously, Artemis won’t be quite as villainous in the movie as he is in the books - at least, not when the movie begins. However, judging by this badass shot of him walking towards the camera in his signature suit and shades, the movie title assembling around him, it seems like Artemis will come into his legacy as a criminal mastermind and a potentially enormous threat to the Lower Elements. Based on the wrecked backdrop of Fowl Manor’s interior, however, it looks like LEPRecon will be bringing everything that they have to the fight.

More: What Is The Song In The Artemis Fowl Teaser Trailer?

  • Artemis Fowl Release Date: 2020-06-12