We are now just days away from The CW’s highly anticipated DC TV crossover, which will unite heroes from Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow, and Legends of Tomorrow against the alien race known as the Dominators. The four-part event titled ‘Invasion!’ is an unprecedented endeavor unlike any crossover the Arrowverse has attempted thus far. While Arrow and The Flash have crossed over each year since the latter joined The CW, those team-ups are peanuts compared to the massive cohesive story about to be told.

Recent promos have hyped up the action, humor, and stakes of the event, which will see the world at the brink of destruction at the hands of the invading Dominators. The threat is so large that Barry Allen and Cisco Ramon will travel to Supergirl’s Earth to recruit some alien power of their own. And one of the more intriguing (and sure to be funny) elements of the crossover is how the various heroes from Earth-1 will react to an alien with Supergirl’s abilities. But that’s not all to look forward to, as the stars of the various series have promised tons of excitement during next week’s event.

TVLine recently visited the Vancouver sets of the four series and had a chance to speak with some of the stars regarding the massive crossover about to unfold. Stephen Amell, who stars as Oliver Queen on Arrow, explained that calling the crossover “big” is an understatement:

“It’s not twice as large, it’s like 32 times [bigger]. Our first A.D., Ken Shane, handed me this big piece of paper that was just five straight weeks of where I was going each day. It was hard work. I didn’t have a day off, but there was a spirit of teamwork this year that made it palatable.”

When it comes to meeting Supergirl for the first time, there are two characters’ reactions who many fans are curious to see. John Diggle, one of the original members of Team Arrow, has always been taken aback by friends and foes with super abilities. David Ramsay, who plays Diggle, explained to TVLine:

Of course, Supergirl is not the first strong female character the heroes will encounter. Current captain of the Waverider, Sara Lance, has trained under Ra’s Al Ghul, and has proven herself to be quite the force. As for how she will react to Supergirl? The actor behind her, Caity Lotz explained:

“I always think it’s fun when Diggle gets to go to these other worlds…He’s really a nuts-and-bolts kind of guy, and metahumans kind of freak him out a bit. So I really wanted to see this whole Diggle/Supergirl reaction.”

“[Sarah will be] intimidated by [Supergirl], at first, because she’s used to being the bad bitch in town. Then all of a sudden comes this alien girl who can, like, levitate and burn things with her eyes. I think [Sara needs to get] over that intimidation and go, ‘OK, I see you.’ She’s impressed by her.”

While the crossover is no doubt exciting for most fans of these shows, it comes at a time when the various heroes are dealing with their own troubles and mysteries. Team Arrow is being tormented by the mysterious Prometheus, Barry Allen has just learned that Savitar is pulling Alchemy’s strings, and the Legends are dealing with the impending formation of the Legion of Doom. And that’s not all, Martin Stein and Jax (both halves of Firestorm) are keeping a secret from the rest of the team - and the viewers. That is, of course, that Rip Hunter receives a mysterious voicemail from Barry Allen of 2056. And Martin Stein actor, Victor Garber, reveals that present-day Barry Allen will “find out” about the message he will one day relay.

The ‘Invasion!’ crossover is shaping up to be one beck of an event - hopefully, one that can be summed up best by Felicity Smoak as the “best team-up ever!”

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‘Invasion!’ begins Monday, Nov. 28 with Supergirl at 8 p.m. EST on The CW, and continues with The Flash at the same time on Tuesday, Arrow on Wednesday, and Legends of Tomorrow on Thursday.

Source: TVLine