Supernatural is one of the most popular shows to ever broadcast on American television network The CW, with Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles winning legions of fans since their debut as brothers Sam and Dean Winchester all the way back in 2005. Now over a decade old, the series is still reeling in the viewers each and every week and, with 12 seasons under its belt, it shows no signs of slowing down.

Arrow is another hugely successful show for The CW, with the series becoming such a favorite with viewers that it would go on to form what’s now known as the Arrowverse and spin off three more shows (The Flash, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl). That show’s lead actor Stephen Amell is a man who’s always been very accessible to his fans, interacting with them at any given opportunity and providing Q&A sessions via his Facebook page on the social media platform’s live system.

Of course, when two shows are on the same channel, fan bases will crossover, and a fan of both Arrow and Supernatural recently took the opportunity to ask Amell whether or not he’d ever appear in Supernatural. He replied:

The quote comes after Amell had already confirmed he would support a crossover of the two shows; something which fans have been hoping for for quite some time now. The actor is clearly a fan of Supernatural - and with the shows obviously working closely together as they’re both filmed in Vancouver, the practicality of Amell making his way onto the Supernatural set is actually extremely easy.

“God, I hope so, before it’s done. I’ll take a day rate, walk on. As long as I’m murdered – horribly – preferably not by Mischa [Collins], but by one of you two [Jared Padalecki or Jensen Ackles].”

With fans so eager to see Amell make the move on over to Supernatural, it might only be a matter of time before something is worked out. The network made a Supergirl crossover happen with The Flash before the former made its way over to The CW from its original home on CBS, so they’re certainly not against pushing the boundaries to give the audiences exactly what they’re asking for. There was even the idea to crossover Supernatural with Smallville, back when the latter show was still going.

If Amell did make an appearance on Supernatural, it would probably be as a random character rather than Arrow’s Oliver Queen. Whether the network would be willing to see Amell take on more than a one-episode character (maybe even his Arrow character) on Supernatural - that, admittedly, seems less likely. One thing’s for sure however: the thirst for some type of crossover isn’t going away.

Supernatural continues Thursday with ‘Lotus’ @9pm on The CW. Arrow returns with new episodes on Wednesday, January 25, 2017 @8pm on The CW.

Source: Stephen Amell