When vigilante superhero series Arrow debuted on The CW in 2012, few would have guessed it would lead to a four-night line-up of DC comic shows and its very own connected “Arrowverse.” The shared world has resulted in fan favorite crossover episodes, including this year’s ratings blockbuster Invasion! storyline that included the cast of Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, and new The CW addition Supergirl.

Bringing all of the heroes together meant that Team Arrow finally heard the full truth about Barry’s tampering with time, and how it affected many of their lives. While Oliver and company had to put aside their feelings about this news to deal with a catastrophic alien attack, executive producer Marc Guggenheim has promised that there will be a “fair amount of discussion” about Flashpoint in the upcoming midseason finale.

The thing about Flashpoint is that it isn’t always clear right away what might have changed, and there may be more surprise revelations on Arrow. EP Greg Berlanti recently told Entertainment Weekly that there is “a shocking end of the winter [finale] moment for Oliver.” After all the raw emotions he just experienced in that alien-induced dreamworld that included all the family and friends he’s lost, it would be pretty cruel for Ollie to get any kind of bad news.

The midseason finale is going to be packed with drama, however, so it’s not easy to tell what form that “shocking” news might take. The last episode before the winter hiatus also includes a lot about that Artemis (Madison McLaughlin) betrayal with Prometheus, which Guggenheim promises will get “a very quick payoff” at the start of the hour. The showrunners will also carry over some of the flashback nods to season 1 that were included in the show’s 100th episode.

Oliver will also be involved in some relationship drama, when he finally meets up with Felicity’s boyfriend Malone. At this summer’s San Diego Comic-Con, actor Stephen Amell joked that the new guy might get an “arrow through the head” from Felicity’s jealous ex. Guggenheim now promises that “there’s a Felicity-Oliver moment that the fans will really enjoy” in the midseason finale, which may be an attempt to make up for the mistakes the showrunner admits they made with the Olicity relationship.

Whether the cliffhanger midseason finale of Arrow involves personal peril, Prometheus’ true identity, or any revelations about Flashpoint, it will likely be one more reason fans will be impatient for the new episodes that kick off again next year. Amell has declared that this is the episode he’s “most proud of this year,” so hopefully viewers will be treated to a stellar blend of action, drama, and some clever twists of plot.

Arrow continues tonight with ‘What We Leave Behind’ at 8pm on The CW.

Source: EW