According to Arnold Schwarzenegger, like the T-800 will have a new mission in Terminator 6: Free Donald Trump from prison. Despite arriving late to his SXSW panel, Schwarzenegger had plenty to say, both about upcoming projects and President Trump. Of course, he and Trump have been seen fighting across various social media platforms about everything from gerrymandering to Trump’s Charlottesville speech, but this time it was the President who fired the first shot.

President Trump knocked the former Governor during his recent Pennsylvania speech when he stated, “Arnold Schwarzenegger failed when he did ‘The Apprentice,’ and he’s a movie star.” When asked about the dig, Schwarzenegger responded, “It’s very nice of him to call me a movie star. I never know really why the Russians make him say certain things. It’s beyond me.” However, the Trump bashing did not stop there. Schwarzenegger went on to talk about everything the president has promised vs. what he has actually accomplished. He capped it all off with a joke about his upcoming Terminator film.

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Deadline reports that when asked for updates on T6, Schwarzenegger quipped, “The T-800 travels back to 2019 to get Trump out of prison!” Little is known about the actual script at this time, but it’s safe to say that Schwarzenegger wasn’t revealing an actual plot point here. Even still, it would make for a pretty interesting story - although we’re certain that the T-800 will have far more important business to attend to.

Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton are set to reprise their roles in the sixth film in the Terminator franchise. It will be the first installment since Terminator 2: Judgment Day to feature both actors. In fact, the film is set to ignore all subsequent films, instead acting as a sequel to T2. James Cameron, who stated that parts 3-5 actually took place in an alternate timeline, will even be involved as a producer. The movie will be directed, however, by Deadpool auteur, Tim Miller. He and Cameron developed the original story together.

It was recently announced that Bladerunner 2049 actress Mackenzie Davis was in talks to play a soldier-assassin who is integral to setting events in motion. Earlier reports have indicated that the movie will partially take place in Mexico City and feature a new protagonist, Dani Ramos. The filming, originally slated for this month, is now set to commence this summer.

Judgment Day was the last truly well received installment of the Terminator franchise and remains beloved by fans. The films that followed all had their moments, but none managed to recapture the glory of the previous two movies. Due to the talent involved in both cast and crew, hopes seem to be at an all time high. We’ll just have to wait and see if this new film delivers.

Source: Deadline

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