Apex features 13 new weapons, like the fan favourite AK47, and fan hated RPG7, along with a M4A1 like rifle depicted in the trailer. Ten new vehicles, like a series first AWD jeep, multiple armoured transports, a RHIB making it’s way back to the Arma series, and VTOL (Vertical Takeoff and Landing) craft capable of transporting another vehicles are being included. In addition to this, is a new 100 square km map set in a southern Pacific archipelago, called Tanoa. Lastly, the Apex update gives Arma players a 4-player co-op campaign set on Tanoa, with a story revolving around a new French speaking rebel faction, Syndikat, causing chaos on the island.

The Apex expansion brings ideas from the modding community, and ideas from the developers themselves together into one cohesive package.